Quotes and Sayings

My prerogative right now is to just chill and let all the other overexposed blondes on the cover of Us Weekly magazine be your entertainment.
Britney Spears, on her web site, October 2004
The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong.
Carl Jung
Roger zelazny - some natural skepticism as to the purity of all...
Repetition is the death of art.
Robin Green, Northern Exposure, Burning Down the House, 1992
He is the better equipped for life. As for swimming, who has the less to carry.
Oh, this age! How tasteless and ill - Bred it is!
When I was fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have him around. When I got to be twenty - One, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.
Mark Twain
Natural ability without education has more often attained to glory and virtue than education without natural ability.
There are but few saints amongst scientists, as among other men, but truth itself is a goal comparable with sanctity.
George Sarton, History of Science
The price of freedom of religion, or of speech, or of the press, is that we must put up with a good deal of rubbish.
Robert Jackson
Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity.
William Occam
Clearly he had his own strange way of judging things. I suspect he acquired it from the gospels.
Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only that gives everything its value.
Thomas Paine, "The American Crisis".
The story of my boyhood and that of my brothers is important only because it could happen in any American family. It did, and will again.
Earl Eisenhowe
He was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on.
Benjamin Franklin
Never marry but for love; but see that thou lovest what is lovely.
William Penn
David mccullough - there is only one person who can measure your...
Be not afraid of going slowly; be only afraid of standing still.
Chinese Prove
Dictators long ago found out it is easier to unite people in common hatred than common love.
Dagobert D. Runes
To pity distress is but human; to relieve it is Godlike.
Horace Mann
I am never afraid of what I know.
Anna Sewell
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
Albert Einstein
A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men.
Roald Dahl, (Willy Wonka) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The deepest experience of the creator is feminine, for it is experience of receiving and bearing.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.
William Shakespeare
Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Look twice before you leap.
Charlotte Bronte
The man who prefers his country before any other duty shows the same spirit as the man who surrenders every right to the state. They both deny that right is superior to authority.
Lord Acton
Do your bit to save humanity from lapsing back into barbarity by reading all the novels you can.
Richard Hughes
All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than animals that know nothing.
Maurice Masterlinck
Praise from the common people is generally false, and rather follows the vain that the virtuous.
Sir Francis Bacon
If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x y is play and z is keeping your mouth shut.
Albert Einstein
There is no surer way to misread any document than to read it literally. As nearly as we can, we must put ourselves in the place of those who uttered the words, and try to divine how they would have dealt with the unforeseen situation; and, evidence of what they would have done, they are by no means final.
Learned Hand
Perhaps I know why it is man alone who laughs He alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death.
James F. Byrnes
Men are conservatives when they are least vigorous, or when they are most luxurious. They are conservatives after dinner.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, New England Reformers, 1844
An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.
G. K. Chesterton
The tourist may complain of other tourists, but he would be lost without them.
Agnes Repplie
Seven days without laughter makes one weak.
Mort Walke
Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.